Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Free Essays on Ayn Rand

AYN RAND The Fountainhead  · SETTING- Plane ticket- the story took place in metropoliton new york, but Rorke often finds himself travaling it many different places just to find a job.  · MAJOR CHARACTER-Howard Rorke- Light Bulb- Howard Rorke has new ideas that vary few accept. The light bulb is an odd shape which symbolizes Rorke’s new, diffrent ideas.  · MOOD-struggle against society- paper clip chain- Rorke often finds society tring to mold him to society’s chains, that keeps the people in conformity.  · THEME- Building something from nothing- ruler, pencil, eraser- The major theme of the story is building something from nothing, like buildings, relationships, or love. The tools symbolize an architect’s tools that he works with to create new things.  · CLIMAX- Rorke keeping his stand- blueprint/ picture of house- Rorke is asked to make decision between building one last building of his choice, and then conform to society and build what they want, or never build again. Rorke chose to never work again rather then compromise his ideals.  · QUOTE-"Sometimes, he was asked to show his sketches; he extended them across a desk, feeling a contraction of shame in the muscles of his hand; it was like having the clothes torn off his body, and the shame was not, that his body was exposed, but that it was exposed to indifferent eyes." Part 1, Chapter 8, pg. 99- Ken doll- the Ken doll shows how Rorke must have felt exposed to the world when he would show his skeches of buliding that he put his soul into and then for the the people not to care.  · CHOICE (ANOTHER CHARACTER)-Dominique- flower- she is decribes as being the ideal woman. She is perfect like a flower, but also she is like a flower because she must bloom into her true self.... Free Essays on Ayn Rand Free Essays on Ayn Rand Life and Philosophy of Ayn Rand In order to fully understand Ayn Rand’s philosophy you must understand the time and place she came from. The woman who would become Ayn Rand was born Alissa Zinovievna Rosenbaumon on February 2, 1905 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Her father was a successful pharmacist while her mother was involved in the theater. They would be considered members of the intellectual class. During the early part of the 20th century most women did not have much choice on what they wanted to do with their lives. Being a woman in Russia was even more limited than being in America. Ayn taught herself to read at the age of six and three short years later decided to make writing fiction her career. Her determination to stand up for what she believes and not to let her upbringing hold her back is why I chose her to be the subject of my paper. In 1917, the Russian Revolution broke out and her father’s business was seized by the Bolsheviks. The family relocated to the Crimean Peninsula. In 1926 she traveled alone to the United States never to return to her Russia. Her experiences growing up in St. Petersburg, fleeing Crimea, and returning to the University of St. Petersburg had a tremendous impact on her philosophy. Her experience’s in oppressive, communistic Russia directly correlated to her numerous works and philosophy. Not long after her arrival to the United States Ayn moved from Chicago, where she stayed with family, to Hollywood. There she applied for a job as a screenwriter at the DeMille Studios. She was not a star as of yet. She got a job working for Cecil DeMille as an extra and a script reader on the film â€Å"The King of Kings†. Although this job did not bring upon stardom this is where she met Frank O’Connor, her soon to be husband. The next few years Ayn worked at odd jobs such as being a waitress. In 1929 she finally married Frank O’Connor and began working on the first novel she had publ... Free Essays on Ayn Rand AYN RAND The Fountainhead  · SETTING- Plane ticket- the story took place in metropoliton new york, but Rorke often finds himself travaling it many different places just to find a job.  · MAJOR CHARACTER-Howard Rorke- Light Bulb- Howard Rorke has new ideas that vary few accept. The light bulb is an odd shape which symbolizes Rorke’s new, diffrent ideas.  · MOOD-struggle against society- paper clip chain- Rorke often finds society tring to mold him to society’s chains, that keeps the people in conformity.  · THEME- Building something from nothing- ruler, pencil, eraser- The major theme of the story is building something from nothing, like buildings, relationships, or love. The tools symbolize an architect’s tools that he works with to create new things.  · CLIMAX- Rorke keeping his stand- blueprint/ picture of house- Rorke is asked to make decision between building one last building of his choice, and then conform to society and build what they want, or never build again. Rorke chose to never work again rather then compromise his ideals.  · QUOTE-"Sometimes, he was asked to show his sketches; he extended them across a desk, feeling a contraction of shame in the muscles of his hand; it was like having the clothes torn off his body, and the shame was not, that his body was exposed, but that it was exposed to indifferent eyes." Part 1, Chapter 8, pg. 99- Ken doll- the Ken doll shows how Rorke must have felt exposed to the world when he would show his skeches of buliding that he put his soul into and then for the the people not to care.  · CHOICE (ANOTHER CHARACTER)-Dominique- flower- she is decribes as being the ideal woman. She is perfect like a flower, but also she is like a flower because she must bloom into her true self....

Monday, March 2, 2020

Denegacin papeles a cubanos por inadmisibilidad

Denegacin papeles a cubanos por inadmisibilidad El rechazo de las peticiones de las visas CMPP o de las tarjetas de residencia confunde a muchos cubanos. Sin embargo, hay una causa que frecuentemente est detrs de este problema. Destacar que en la actualidad ya no se admiten ms solicitudes de visas CMPP, si bien se tramitan las pendientes de resolucià ³n final. Requisitos para que la CMPP y la tarjeta de residencia sean aprobadas para los cubanos Es necesario que se cumplan los requisitos que se piden para todos los solicitantes de una tarjeta de residencia, cualquiera que sea su nacionalidad. Por lo tanto, tanto la green card -tambià ©n conocida como tarjeta o permiso de residencia- como la visa CMPP sern rechazadas si el que la pide es inadmisible  segà ºn las leyes de los Estados Unidos. Y es aquà ­ donde los cubanos suelen encontrar un gran obstculo porque afecta a un gran nà ºmero de ellos: membresà ­a en el partido comunista. Cuando una persona rellena la peticià ³n de residencia permanente o de visa CMPP debe contestar la verdad sobre si ha pertenecido a un partido totalitario o al partido comunista o a alguna organizacià ³n relacionada (hay que entender juventudes comunistas y similares). En los casos en los que el solicitante tenga un pasado de militancia comunista el USCIS puede rechazar la aplicacià ³n de la visa CMPP o de la tarjeta de residente. Hay alguna alternativa para evitar el rechazo de la visa CMPP o de la tarjeta de residencia? En determinados casos pueden aplicar excepciones a la regla general, con lo cual sà ­ se aprobarà ­a la peticià ³n, o incluso cabe solicitar un perdà ³n. Serà ­a posible beneficiarse de una excepcià ³n a la aplicacià ³n de la regla general cuando: Han transcurrido dos aà ±os desde que se causà ³ baja en el partido comunista, que se aumentar a cinco se trata de ciudadanos de paà ­ses regidos por el partido comunista, como es el caso de Cuba o China. La inactividad, como dejar de pagar las cuotas al partido o dejar de participar en sus actividades se puede considerar como que se ha renunciado a la membresà ­a comunista. La afiliacià ³n fue involuntaria, porque era necesaria para conseguir alimentos, trabajo u otros bienes esenciales. Si bien este punto tiene la dificultad de la prueba en muchas ocasiones.La membresà ­a en el partido comunista no era sentida y simplemente era un vehà ­culo para conseguir una ventaja. Este punto tambià ©n puede ser complicado de probar. Es là ³gico esperar que el asunto del pasado comunista està © presente en cualquier entrevista con un oficial consular o de inmigracià ³n y que se pueda pedir al solicitante informacià ³n o documentacià ³n adicional. Adems, si el USCIS niega la solicitud por esta causa, es posible apelar la decisià ³n. Para tener claro cul es la causa concreta del rechazo verificar el nà ºmero y unas letras que aparecen en el documento en el que se notifica el mismo. Si es 212(a)(3)(d), la razà ³n es el pasado comunista. Perdn o waiver Se puede pedir un perdà ³n, tambià ©n conocido como waiver o permiso, cuando el solicitante es: Padre o madre, esposo/a, hijo/a, hermano/a de un ciudadano americano.Esposo/a, hijo/a de un residente permanente legal. En estos casos el oficial consular notificar quà © planilla debe completarse para solicitarlo. Si no es concedido, es posible apelar la decisià ³n. A tener en cuenta Resaltar que si se  miente y posteriormente se descubre la verdad, el mentiroso puede ser demandado y puede quitrsele la documentacià ³n (green card o, si han pasado los aà ±os y se ha naturalizado incluso el pasaporte americano). Mentir en una planilla federal es una idea muy mala con consecuencias que pueden ser gravà ­simas. Incluso si se miente al solicitar la visa se puede estar arrojando a la basura toda posibilidad de conseguir cualquier otro visado hacia los Estados Unidos. Las consecuencias son igual de malas si se le miente de palabra a un agente federal. Situacin legislacin que afecta a cubanos Entre las à ºltimas actuaciones del presidente Barack Obama se encuentra el haber puesto fin a la polà ­tica de pies secos pies mojados y a las visas CMPP. En la actualidad sigue vigente la Ley de Ajuste Cubano, segà ºn la cual se puede solicitar la tarjeta de residencia permanente (green card) al aà ±o y un dà ­a de presencia fà ­sica en Estados Unidos, siempre y cuando el ingreso se hubiera producido de forma legal.   Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.